Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break!! Woooo

Hellooooo everyone!! So I am officially on spring break, if you haven't guessed! Last week I spent my time split between Groningen and Amsterdam Netherlands. I went on this trip with my school, so it was half academic and half leisure. We did a bunch of tour to schools to look at their programs but they also gave us a bunch of time on our own and scheduled some of our cultural visits for us. One of our first nights we went to the Anne Frank House. It was really amazing. It is a shock to see how they actually lived and what they had to go through on a daily basis. It was incredibly powerful. On the more fun side though, we had a great time walking through the red light district!! The girls were really fun to look at actually and it wasn't nearly as sketchy as everyone made it out to be. We went at night and it was incredibly touristy. We happened to be there at the time of a Holland vs Scotland soccer match so the district was filled with men in kilts which was pretty funny. It was really entertaining to watch all the guys reactions to the women. Some of them were really gross, but some of them were downright embarrassed by it, which was equally funny. In the middle of the district there is a giant church which was pretty ironic, but hey, it was still pretty. Unfortunately you can't take pictures in the district, so I can't really show you, but believe me, it was really cool
Otherwise Amsterdam was a lot of fun. The canals are absolutely gorgeous. We also got to go to the Van Goh museum. Right now they are having a special exhibition on his work at night which means i got to see all of his great masterpieces from around the world!!! they had all of his original starry nights and some of his great portraits. I got chills when I saw it!!
Right now I am sitting in Athens though and taking in the Grecian sun. Right now its kind of cloudy actually, but still warm. So far I have seen the acropolis and the parthenon which was amazing. I have also gotten hit on by a ton of creepy old men, which is also especially greek. I will tell you more about this trip at the end of the week. Hope you are all doing well!!!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Holy Cow, I am on Spring Break!!!

Its already March 21st on my grand adventure. For those of you who are counting, that means that I am halfway done with my semester. I can't decide right now whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. I am having such a great time here that I think I will be really sad to leave, especially since I have made some very excellent friends here. On the other hand, I miss everyone at home like crazy though!! It still makes me happy to think about how many weeks I have left until I see everyone again. I am just such a homebody!!

So as my title reads, I am on spring break officially!!! Our break lasts for 3 WEEKS!!! I am so excited that I don't have to go to class for a while. It'll be so nice not to have to get up and go. Tomorrow morning I leave for Amsterdam and don't return until very late on Friday evening. That Sunday I leave for Greece, to Athens to see Hilary Carr (my best friend ever) until the following Sunday. Then I take a few days off and go to Sweden with my family here for Easter Holiday. WHEW!! I am going to be tired and dazed after these few weeks. I am glad I am giving myself a few days to catch up on rest and do homework for a little bit. I don't know if I could go for that long!!

Last weekend was the beginning of the traveling however and I went to Hamburg Germany for the weekend. Let me tell you Hamburg was a great city. I went with 6 friends, so we had a pretty substantial group, but it didn't matter. We went all over the city and saw pretty much every old church there and even got to go all the way up to the top of 2 spires. The most fun part of Hamburg was by far the fish market! Who would have thought? It was just like the images you see of the Seattle market with the throwing fish and the giant (German) men shouting at the crowds. The best part was the fact that the Germans were drinking at 7am and there was a live band. Who would have thought?

That's all for now! I will try and update when I back from Greece (I know, Greece!!!)

Love you Miss you

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Holy Cow! Where has the time gone??? It's March already! I have been here officially for 1 and a half months. Who would have thought that I would have made it this far and not have come screaming home? I sure didn't. It's been a crazy month filled will ups and downs, but I am loving being in CPH. Denmark is finally starting to show signs of spring. The sun comes out at least once a week now and it is light until almost 6!!! I never thought I would be so happy about so little, but there you go. When I arrived just a little while ago the sun came up at 8:30 and set at 3:30, now we are up to about 7:15 and 6, which is a humongous difference. It is supposed to continue to get more and more light all the way through July. When I leave in May they tell me there will be something crazy like 18 hours of sunlight. I can't wait for this to happen!!!
This Month is travel month for me and my fellow American students. I just booked a tickets to go to Hamburg for the weekend of the 14th with a few of my friends. We're taking a train in and spending two nights at a hotel there. On March 22 I start my 3 week travel break from school. I will be spending a week in Amsterdam and the following week in Greece, my third week is up in the air still, but there is a good chance I will spend some of my time here relaxing and some of it at my family's lake house in Sweden. If it turns out I can't go with them, I may just book myself a ticket to Paris and go on a little adventure by myself. Who knows.
Otherwise nothing much exciting has taken place since the last time we spoke. I am struggling a bit with one of my classes and I am going to see tomorrow if I can drop it still. It looks like I should be able to, but let's cross our fingers just in case. I also got to experience my first festa lavn last week. It is a tradition similar to Halloween. I dressed up as a prom queen for lack of better costume alternatives!! It came out good though. I also went to see Katy Perry ("I kissed a girl and I liked it....") and 3Oh!3 in concert which was quite the adventure as I went by myself and the buses weren't running that day due to a strike. It was a fantastic concert!!!!

More later, but I miss you very much and send my love!!